Demand for cost-effective tank/hopper/silo weighing solutions in hazardous areas is increasing, so in response we have obtained special ATEX certification for our popular Model T20 compression load cell (and weighing assembly) and our high accuracy, OIML approved Model 650 S-type load cell.
Our high quality Polyurethane cable is supplied as-standard with these fully welded and hermetically sealed load cells, with protection to IP68/IP69K assured.
The ATEX certification for both models allows use in all dust zones (20, 21 and 22) without the use of safety barriers (like many of our load cells) when using the 'ta' mode of protection.
Further details about these products and the ATEX certification coding can be found here.
If you would like further information about these innovative ATEX approvals, Contact Us for further details. |